Images that Help Beautiful Spaces come to Life!
Exteriors, Interiors, Homes, Air BNBs, whatever the space, Carmen will make sure your subject takes centre stage and create images that will set it apart.
Carmen’s eye for detail and sense for styling will provide you with more than just a photographic service. Every project she takes on becomes her personal desire for perfection.
“I absolutely love what I do – it is the perfect creative channel that unites all the elements of photography, design and architecture I had always wanted to be part of”.

Many of the world’s architectural beauty could not be seen by the majority of us if it wasn’t for photography. Architecture is location-bound and needs visibility. Photography provides “mobility” to architecture and also uses it as a subject for its own purposes.
Carmen believes that a photograph is only the messenger and that the most important attributes of good architectural photography is a perfect mix of composition, architectural key features and the ability to convey the feeling you get when you first enter a space.
It is that intention and Carmen’s ability to embed that vision into her photography, that makes all the difference.
“As photographers, we “read” our subject, the architecture, and interpret the work so we can fully appreciate it.”
Let’s start the conversation
Located at the NSW Central Coast, Carmen photographs for Interior Designers, Architects, Builders, Home Owners and Developers.
For information on pricing and availability, please send her an email.